ECP Growth Companies Fund

About the Fund
The ECP Growth Companies Fund is a high conviction Australian equities portfolio that is highly concentrated, holding between 25 and 30 stocks at any time.
The Fund will seek to invest in ASX-listed companies that have strong earnings growth potential. As an ‘All Cap’ strategy, the Fund can invest across the market capitalisation spectrum. There is expected to be a higher concentration (approx. 50%) to companies listed within the top 50-100 (mid-caps).
1 Mth
3 Mths
6 Mths
1 Yr
3 Yr
5 Yr
1 Mth
3 Mths
6 Mths
1 Yr
3 Yr
5 Yr
(%, after fees, returns beyond 1 year are annualised)
1 Mth
3 Mths
6 Mths
1 Yr
3 Yr
5 Yr
ECP Growth Companies Fund
S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The total return performance figures quoted are historical, calculated using end-of-month mid prices and do not allow for the effects of tax or inflation. Total returns for the benchmark do not incur these costs. Total returns for the Trust assume the reinvestment of all distributions.
* Inception of the ECP Growth Companies Fund (Unit Trust) is 31 January 2020. Performance prior to this date is based on the ECPAM All Cap Strategy, a wholesale strategy managed by ECP Asset Management. The ECP Growth Companies Fund invests in the ECPAM All Cap Strategy, which commenced on 31 July 2012. To derive an after-fee return series, the ECP Growth Companies Fund fee is applied to the ECPAM All Cap Strategy.
What type of companies does the Fund invest in?
The Fund seeks to identify and invest in high-quality growth businesses that can generate predictable, above-average economic returns, both in terms of their price appreciation and earnings potential.
These companies are typically in the growth stage of their life cycle, and as they grow, are expected to deliver superior investment performance and wealth creation benefits back to the Fund’s investors.
What type of investor does the Fund suit?
The Fund is designed to be used as an alpha generation strategy within the Australian equity allocation of an investor’s portfolio.
The Fund employs a highly active, growth-based investment style and this may offer complementary benefits with other more index-based investments in an investor’s portfolio, such as passive equity funds or Exchange Traded Funds.